Heat Loss Calculator

Room Basics Step 1 of 3

Dimensions Step 2 of 3

Measure the area of a window by multiplying the width by the height in {{ctrl.getUnitLabel('length', ctrl.selected_units)}}. Use the sum of all windows if there are more than one.

Construction Materials Step 3 of 3

Result: {{ctrl.calc.watts}} Watts ({{ctrl.calc.btus}} BTUs)

{{ctrl.calc.name !='' ? ctrl.calc.name : ctrl.calc.room_type_name}} requires approximately {{ctrl.calc.watts}} Watts ({{ctrl.calc.btus}} BTUs) according to the parameters you’ve entered. This is a MARC-approved calculation and includes a 20 percent safety margin.

My Saved Rooms

Name Length ({{ctrl.getUnitLabel('length', ctrl.selected_units)}}) Width ({{ctrl.getUnitLabel('length', ctrl.selected_units)}}) Height ({{ctrl.getUnitLabel('length', ctrl.selected_units)}}) Room Type Watts BTUs
{{room.name}} {{room.depth}} {{room.width}} {{room.height}} {{room.room_type_name}} {{room.watts}} {{room.btus}} Remove
Total {{ctrl.totalWatts()}} {{ctrl.totalBtus()}}
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